Meeting Capacity Chart
Total Sq. Ft. Room Size Ceiling Ht. Classroom Theater Banquet Reception Conference U-Shape H-Square 10 x 10's
Ballroom of the Americas  25895 165.17' x 155.75' 23 1380 2280 2028 1725 0 0 0 140
Ballroom of the Americas Lateral Prefunction  3371 23.83' x 146.08' 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ballroom of the Americas Lateral Prefunction-Later  1210 23.83' x 54.83' 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ballroom of the Americas Lateral Prefunction-Later  1506 23.83' x 63.83' 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ballroom of the Americas Prefunction  10248 196' x 50' 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ballroom of the Americas Prefunction-Americas Pref  6183 126' x 50' 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ballroom of the Americas Prefunction-Americas Pref  4064 70' x 50' 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ballroom of the Americas-Ballroom Americas A  3775 76.33' x 48.58' 23 187 340 216 250 44 50 64 0
Ballroom of the Americas-Ballroom Americas A & B  7811 76.33' x 103.33' 23 434 704 576 520 0 94 120 0
Ballroom of the Americas-Ballroom Americas A, B & C   12013 76.33' x 155.75' 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ballroom of the Americas-Ballroom Americas B  4202 76.33' x 54.42' 23 220 378 288 270 44 50 70 0
Ballroom of the Americas-Ballroom Americas B & C 8238 76.33' x 106.83' 23 448 748 588 550 0 94 120 0
Ballroom of the Americas-Ballroom Americas C  4036 76.33' x 52' 23 198 360 216 250 44 50 64 0
Ballroom of the Americas-Ballroom Americas D  3775 76.5' x 48.58' 23 167 340 216 280 44 50 64 0
Ballroom of the Americas-Ballroom Americas D & E  7977 76.33' x 103.33' 23 438 720 576 530 0 94 120 0
Ballroom of the Americas-Ballroom Americas D, E & F 12013 76.33' x 155.75' 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ballroom of the Americas-Ballroom Americas E  4202 76.5' x 54.42' 23 220 374 288 280 44 50 70 0
Ballroom of the Americas-Ballroom Americas E & F  8238 76.33' x 106.83' 23 448 748 588 550 0 94 120 0
Ballroom of the Americas-Ballroom Americas F  4036 76.5' x 52' 23 198 360 216 270 44 50 64 0
Board Room 326  781 35.33' x 18' 10 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0
Board Room 331  763 28.42' x 27.58' 10 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0
Board Room 334  658 21.83' x 38' 10 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom  39138 249.17' x 156.33' 27 2160 3500 3120 0 0 0 0 230
Grand Ballroom Prefunction  10715 289.58' x 46.67' N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom Prefunction East  3782 33' x 142.17' N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom Prefunction East-Prefunction East  1820 33' x 56' N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom Prefunction East-Prefunction East  1118 38.25' x 63.42' N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom Prefunction East-Prefunction East C  843 38.25' x 22.75' N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom Prefunction West  4169 49.75' x 145.42' N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom Prefunction West-Prefunction West J  2056 54.92' x 63.42' N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom Prefunction West-Prefunction West K  1583 49.75' x 56' N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom Prefunction West-Prefunction West L  529 21.33' x 26.08' N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom Prefunction-Prefunction A  2878 78.08' x 46.67' N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom Prefunction-Prefunction D  3223 65.17' x 46.67' N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom Prefunction-Prefunction G  3117 64.75' x 46.67' N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom Prefunction-Prefunction J  1495 81.58' x 16.08' N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom A  2741 54.67' x 48.5' 27 140 240 192 3260 32 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom A and B  5812 54.67' x 104.5' 27 317 528 432 225 32 47 60 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom A, B and C  8643 54.67' x 156.33' 27 478 770 624 720 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom A, B, C, D, E and F  18620 118' x 156.33' 27 1029 1650 1404 1550 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom A, B, C, D, E, F, G,  29170 185' x 156.33' 27 1587 2650 2340 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom B  3071 54.67' x 55.67' 27 158 276 192 250 32 54 72 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom B and C  5902 54.67' x 107.42' 27 328 528 432 490 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom C  2831 54.67' x 51.42' 27 152 256 192 235 32 54 72 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom D  2732 54.67' x 48.5' 27 132 240 192 225 32 47 60 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom D and E  5812 54.67' x 104.5' 27 323 528 432 480 0 75 85 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom D, E and F  8652 54.67' x 156.33' 27 481 770 624 720 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom D, E, F, G, H and I  19202 121.67' x 156.33' 27 1065 1700 1404 720 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom D, E, F, G, H, I, J,  29170 185' x 156.33' 27 1587 2650 2340 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom E  3080 54.67' x 55.67' 27 161 280 192 250 32 54 72 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom E and F  5920 54.67' x 107.42' 27 325 528 432 490 0 75 0 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom F  2840 54.67' x 51.42' 27 156 258 192 235 32 47 60 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom G  2732 54.67' x 48.5' 27 143 240 192 225 32 47 60 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom G and H  5812 54.67' x 104.5' 27 319 528 432 480 0 75 85 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom G, H and I  8652 54.67' x 156.33' 27 479 770 624 720 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom G, H, I, J, K and L  18620 118' x 156.33' 27 1029 1650 1404 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom H  3080 54.67' x 55.67' 27 154 280 192 250 32 47 60 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom H and I  5920 54.67' x 107.42' 27 329 528 432 490 0 75 0 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom I  2840 54.67' x 51.42' 27 148 258 192 235 32 47 60 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom J  2741 54.67' x 48.5' 27 126 249 192 225 32 47 60 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom J and K  5812 54.67' x 104.5' 27 323 528 432 480 0 75 80 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom J, K and L  8643 54.67' x 156.33' 27 480 770 624 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom K  3071 54.67' x 55.67' 27 161 276 192 250 32 47 60 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom K and L  5902 54.67' x 107.42' 27 328 528 432 490 0 75 0 0
Grand Ballroom-Grand Ballroom L  2831 54.67' x 51.42' 27 143 252 192 235 32 47 60 0
Meeting Room 230  694 21.75' x 38.58' 10 21 77 24 45 8 18 24 0
Meeting Room 327  752 27.5' x 25.67' 10 24 53 24 50 12



Meeting Room 328  798 27.5' x 27.67' 10 21 48 24 55 12 20 28 0
Meeting Room 329  808 27.5' x 27.67' 10 24 52 24 40 12 20 28 0
Meeting Room 330  832 27.25' x 28.25' 10 27 54 24 55 12 20 28 0
Meeting Room 332  548 21.83' x 25.92' 10 15 35 24 35 12 12 18 0
Meeting Room 333  588 21.83' x 28.08' 10 15 38 24 40 12 15 20 0
Meeting Room 335  4079 39.08' x 105.67' 10 202 311 192 270 60 50 60 0
Meeting Room 335-Meeting Room 335 A  1400 39.08' x 35' 10 70 125 84 90 20 20 30 0
Meeting Room 335-Meeting Room 335 A and B  2575 39.08' x 67.42' 10 140 203 120 170 40 35 40 0
Meeting Room 335-Meeting Room 335 B  1175 39.08' x 32' 10 56 98 60 75 20 20 30 0
Meeting Room 335-Meeting Room 335 B and C  2679 39.08' x 70.25' 10 114 223 120 180 40 35 40 0
Meeting Room 335-Meeting Room 335 C  1504 39.08' x 37.83' 10 70 112 84 100 20 20 30 0
Meeting Room 336  1625 26.67' x 56.92' 10 64 104 48 100 32 24 30 0
Meeting Room 336-Meeting Room 336 A  793 26.67' x 27.58' 10 24 60 24 50 12 13 18 0
Meeting Room 336-Meeting Room 336 B  832 26.67' x 28.92' 10 24 60 24 55 12 13 18 0
Meeting Room 337  1453 26.67' x 51.67' 10 53 92 60 100 28 24 30 0
Meeting Room 337-Meeting Room 337 A  660 26.67' x 23.67' 10 24 47 24 45 12 13 18 0
Meeting Room 337-Meeting Room 337 B  793 26.67' x 27.58' 10 24 60 24 50 12 13 18 0
Meeting Room 338  830 29' x 30.25' 10 27 65 36 55 12 16 22 0
Meeting Room 339  1593 54' x 29.67' 10 63 111 72 105 24 28 36 0
Meeting Room 339-Meeting Room 339 A  785 27.67' x 29.67' 10 24 54 24 50 16 13 18 0
Meeting Room 339-Meeting Room 339 B  808 25.92' x 29.67' 10 29 66 36 50 16 13 18 0
Meeting Room 340  1636 52.33' x 29.67' 10 63 114 96 100 28 28 36 0
Meeting Room 340-Meeting Room 340 A  828 25.92' x 29.67' 10 33 75 48 55 16 13 18 0
Meeting Room 340-Meeting Room 340 B  808 25.92' x 29.67' 10 32 67 36 50 16 13 18 0
Meeting Room 342  785 19.5' x 36.58' 10 24 57 36 50 20 13 18 0
Meeting Room 343  2095 37.33' x 55.58' 10 0 0 96 140 32 0 0 0
Meeting Room 343-Meeting Room 343 A  1062 37.33' x 28.08' 10 39 86 48 70 16 16 24 0
Meeting Room 343-Meeting Room 343 B  1033 37.33' x 27.08' 10 36 90 48 70 16 16 24 0
Meeting Room 344  1134 19.5' x 55.58' 10 32 83 48





Meeting Room 344-Meeting Room 344 A  584 19.5' x 27.58' 10 16 42 24





Meeting Room 344-Meeting Room 344 B  550 19.5' x 27.58' 10 16 41 24





Meeting Room 346  1196 19.5' x 56.67' 10 39 79 48





Meeting Room 346-Meeting Room 346 A  622 19.5' x 27.58' 10 12 28 24





Meeting Room 346-Meeting Room 346 B  574 19.5' x 28.67' 10 16 35 24





Meeting Room 430  815 27.42' x 37.75' 10 21 50 24






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