Room Dimensions
Name of Room Area
sq. ft.
Sq. meter Dimensions Height Reception Banquet Classroom U-Shape Conference Hollow sq. Theater
Escorial 552 61 24 x 23 16' 75 40 25 15 15 20 48
Alhambra 552 61 24 x 23 16' 75 40 25 15 15 20 48
Combined (Escorial & Alhambra) 1,104 123 48 x 23 16' 150 80 55 31 30 36 100
Raphael 552 61 24 x 23 16' 75 40 25 15 15 20 48
Michelangelo 552 61 24 x 23 16' 75 40 25 15 15 20 48
Combined (Raphael & Mich.) 1,104 123 48 x 23 16' 150 80 55 31 30 36 100
Oxford 468 52 26 x 18 8' 30 30 15 18 20 20 40
Cambridge 468 52 26 x 18 8' 30 30 15 18 20 20 40
Combined (Oxford & Cambridge) 936 104 52 x 18 8' 60 60 - - - - -
Trinity 468 52 26 x 18 8' 30 30 15 18 20 20 40
Versailles 7,810 868 110 x 71 18' 900 600 420 - - - 800
Trianon 5,609 623 79 x 71 18' 600 360 300 - - - 500
Grand Ballroom 13,419 1,491 189 x 71 18' 2,000 1,000 750 - - - 1,400
Foyer 5,597 622 193 x 29 16' 700 340 - - - - -
Sandringham 875 97 35 x 25 16' 80 60 30 21 20 25 70
Windsor 875 97 35 x 25 16' 80 60 30 21 20 25 70
Combined (Sand. & Windsor) 1,750 194 70 x 25 16' 150 120 66 40 45 42 150
Balmoral 840 93 35 x 24 16' 80 60 30 21 20 25 70
Theatre 1,843 205 30 x 48 16' - - 143 - - - 196
Chopin 4,950 550 110 x 45 18' 500 340 175 - - - 450
Mezzanine East 6,200 689 - - 900 400 - - - - -
Mezzanine West 5,000 556 - - 750 380 - - - - -
Mezzanine South 2,500 278 - - - 100 - - - - -
Combined 13,700 1,476 - - 1,500 900 - - - - -
Capacities are based on the following guidelines:
Classroom Style Setup: 3pp per 8' table
Banquet Setup: 10pp per 72" round
U-shape, Conference and Hollow Square: Either 3pp per 8' table or 2pp per 6' table, depending on dimensions of the room