Room Dimensions
Name of Room Area
sq. ft.
Sq. meter Dimensions Height Reception Banquet Classroom U-Shape Conference Hollow sq. Theater
Flagler 930 103 30 x 31 9' 100 60 45 25 20 30 80
Trade Room 1,824 203 32 x 57 9' 150 120 81 36 42 48 150
Junior Ballroom 2,448 272 36 x 68 9' 200 150 60 - - - 140
Dupont 792 88 36 x 22 9' 60 40 25 21 20 26 56
Tuttle 792 88 36 x 22 9' 60 50 25 21 20 26 56
Gusman 792 88 36 x 22 9' 60 40 25 21 20 26 56
Marti 384 43 16 x 24 9' 25 20 12 15 15 18 24
Deering 360 40 18 x 20 9' - 10 - - 8 - 15
Boardroom 336 37 14 x 24 9' - - - - 12 - -
Crandon 480 53 20 x 24 9' - 20 21 15 15 18 35
Godfrey 480 53 20 x 24 9' - 20 21 15 15 18 35
Bayfront A 4,400 489 40 x 70 12' 400 260 120 45 48 48 350
Bayfront B 2,700 300 45 x 65 12' 300 120 80 30 30 30 150
Combined (Bayfront A & B ) 7,100 789 86 x 65 12' 700 400 200 57 66 66 450
Sevilla 3,717 413 59 x 63 12' 250 170 135 41 52 52 180
Star Isle 480 53 20 x 24 15' 25 20 12 20 18 22 30
Palm Isle 384 43 16 x 24 15' 25 20 12 20 18 22 30
Hibiscus Isle 684 76 36 x 19 15' 55 50 35 26 30 30 45
Combined (Star,Palm & Hibiscus ) 1,548 172 36 x 43 15' 150 120 60 - - - -
Capacities are based on the following guidelines:
Classroom Style Setup: 3pp per 8' table
Banquet Setup: 10pp per 72" round
U-shape, Conference and Hollow Square: Either 3pp per 8' table or 2pp per 6' table, depending on dimensions of the room